Cookie Policy

Our Cookie Policy is a part of our Privacy Policy

We use cookies to improve the performance of our website and to give you the best possible user experience. Our Cookie Policy explains:

  • what cookies are
  • what types we use
  • why we use them and
  • how to identify or disable them

You can manage your cookie settings here:

Please note that our website is custom-designed to provide visitors with the best experience - deleting cookies or disabling their use may therefore result in reduced functionality.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files which are stored on your device (computer, mobile or tablet for example) when you visit a website. The cookies we use can't harm your device. The cookies we create use encrypted information gathered from them to help improve your experience on the website. For example, cookies make it easier for you to maintain your preferences on the website. Cookies are used by almost all websites today and can be generated by certain actions on a website, like a page view or a button click, allowing website providers to better tailor their platform's response to you as an individual.

Cookies serve many functions but in general our cookies are used to:

  1. correctly, speedily and efficiently load our webpage;
  2. protect our customers and ourselves from fraud;
  3. identify errors or poor performance of the website;
  4. communicate with our customers using online chat;
  5. authenticate and recognise users while they are on our website;
  6. understand our customers' behaviour when they take a Zable credit card; and
  7. and understand our customers in order to serve them more interesting and relevant marketing.

Cookies can be 'first party', meaning they are created by us or 'third party', meaning that they are created by Zable's trusted partners in order for us to use their services to improve our performance. Where cookies are third party, please refer to their specific policies for more details.

Cookies can be 'session-only' meaning they last only for the period of time you are browsing, or 'persistent' meaning that they remain in your internet browser for a longer period of time.

You can disable the cookies from your browser and delete all cookies currently stored on your device.

Cookie settings are set separately for each different device, and if you want to change your settings you will need to do so for each device. If you do so, you will still be able to browse the website but you will not be able to use all of the features. Most web browsers have cookies enabled by default setting.

What cookies do we use?
  1. Strictly necessary cookies
  2. These cookies are essential in order to enable you to move around the website and use its features, such as accessing secure areas of the website. These essential cookies are always enabled because our website won't work properly without them.

    Strictly necessary cookies don't record any information about you that could be used for marketing or gather any historical recording of where you have been on the internet.

    Cookie ProviderCookie DomainCookie NamesCookie Description and Authentication
  3. Analytical or performance cookies
  4. These cookies collect information about how visitors use our website, for instance which pages users go to most often, and if they get error messages from the website. This helps us to improve the way our website works, for example, by ensuring that users are finding what they are looking for easily.

    Cookie ProviderCookie DomainCookie NamesCookie Description
    Google, _gid, _ga*, _gid*Tracking of activity on our website e.g. which website pages and user devices are most popular
  5. Targetting or marketing cookies
  6. Data collected in this category is used to help make our messages more relevant to you. The data is shared with other Zable systems or with third parties, such as advertisers and social media platforms we may use to deliver personalised advertisements and messages. If you don't wish to consent to this category, it's important to note that you may still receive generic advertising or service messages, but they will be less relevant to you.

    Cookie ProviderCookie DomainCookie NamesCookie Description the performance of Meta advertisements, _tt_enable_cookieTracking the performance of TikTok advertisements
    Google, _gcl_gb, _gcl_aw, _gcl_auTracking the performance of Google advertisements
How do we collect cookies?

Some of the cookies are set by Zable (first party) and others are built by trusted providers (third parties). Below is a list of these third party cookies that range across the various cookie categories detailed previously. Third party cookies are likely to be analytical/ performance cookies or targeting cookies. Where we use third party cookies and you want to find more detailed information, please visit their respective websites.

Third PartyPurposeClassification
Google analyticsTracking of activity on our website e.g. which website pages and user devices are most popularAnalytical
MetaTracking the performance of Meta advertisementsMarketing
TikTokTracking the performance of TikTok advertisementsMarketing
Google AdsTracking the performance of Google advertisementsMarketing

To deactivate the use of third party advertising cookies, you may can manage your cookie settings here:

How can you stop cookies?

You can manage your cookie settings for our website here:

If you want to restrict or fully block web browser cookies which are set on your device then you can do this through your browser, usually in their settings menu. The help function within your browser should help you understand how to do this as it is slightly different for every browser (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari etc.).

Please be aware that some of our services will not function as smoothly if your browser disables all cookies. You can create exceptions and allow cookies from specific websites only by making them "trusted websites" in your browser. We recommend you make Zable a trusted website in order to get the best service level our platform can provide.

You may wish to visit for more information on cookies or for a guide on controlling cookies.

Except for essential cookies, all cookies will expire within 14 months.